Mexican Police Took Our Van: The Struggle Continues
June 3, 2024
Losing Our Van in Mexico: The Aftermath and Future Plans
June 12, 2024Our Van Was Seized By Mexico Navigating A Stress Full Journey
Traveling should be a joyous experience, but when unforeseen events disrupt your plans, it can turn into a nightmare. Recently, our van was seized by Mexico, causing us immense stress and challenges. We want to share our journey with you and discuss our options moving forward.
The Financial & Emotional Impact
It’s not just about money; the emotional investment is significant. The van served as our home and a symbol of our hard work and independence. Prices for vans have doubled, and the cost of building materials has skyrocketed. Re-creating what we had is nearly impossible.
It’s Not Just About The Money…
Trying to Get Our Van Back
Until we receive a definitive answer from Mexican authorities saying we won’t get the van back, we will do everything to reclaim it. Moving on from the tragedy is vital, but the uncertainty makes it challenging. Waiting for that hopeful call keeps us in limbo.
Struggles with Communication and Trust
We’ve tried reaching out to our lawyer multiple times, but communication has been difficult. It’s only been 14 days, yet the process is nerve-wracking. We’ve considered various opinions and suggestions from our community, and while many are valid, it’s hard to know the right course of action.
Support from the Community
In our journey to get back our van, we met incredible people, like LeeShaunWill. A new friend made through this unfortunate event, her kindness and hospitality in Merida provided immense support. Community plays a crucial role in navigating these tough times, and we are deeply grateful for the positive words and encouragement from our viewers.
Moving Forward
We need to accept the harsh reality that our van might not return. Life goes on, and we have to adapt to a new normal. We have to stop feeling sorry for ourselves and start living life the best way we can, even without the van. Our immediate plans include staying in New Orleans until September, ensuring our son’s school year ends smoothly, and then figuring out what’s next.
The experience of having our van seized by Mexico has been incredibly challenging, yet it has also shown us the strength of community and the importance of resilience. We’re trying to navigate this difficult period with hope and gratitude for the support we’ve received. If you have any questions or thoughts, please leave them in the comments. We appreciate your continued support and look forward to sharing our journey with you.